Japanese Zodiac Signs Chart
The Japanese Zodiac Signs by Birth Year.
Click on your birth year within the chart below to read about your Japanese Zodiac Animal sign character.
Facts About the Japanese Zodiac.
The Zodiac calendar was introduced from China during ancient times. Sources tell us this was around 604, which at during this period, the Empress Suiko reigned.
The western Zodiac which compromises 12 star signs for the 12 months of the year whereas the Japanese Zodiac is pretty different, it works by calculating the years which rolls back every 12 years. Each year is named after a specific animal such as the Snake ( hebi ), Dragon ( tatsu ), Dog ( inu ), etc which make up the 12 Japanese Zodiac animal signs.
Each persons Zodiac symbol is dependant on the year they were born.
For example, if someone was born in 2007, the Japanese Zodiac for this person would be the Boar or ( inoshishi ) as it is known in Japan.
The Zodiac system above is referenced through a specific name for men and women as well. In Japan, we say "toshi-otoko" for men and "toshi-onna" for women.
In order to facilitate the readings of the Japanese Zodiac calendar, the Japanese created/invented there very own Zodiac symbols using the 12 Animals which appear in the calendar below.